“I love, love, loved this story. I am a huge fan of contemporary romance, and this was perfect. One minute I was crying, the next laughing.” —  Nicole Marie

“I thoroughly enjoyed Kishan Paul’s book, Blind Love, published by Samhain Publishing. Who doesn’t love a challenged heroine and a hot sexy ex-Marine hero who have to overcome several obstacles in order to be together.” —  Jessica Jayne, author of Taking Advantage series

“This is a refreshing, well-written romance!” —  Jennifer Lane

“Kishan Paul has a fantastic flair for creating unforgettable characters in unique situations. Her sassy wit comes across in abundance in BLIND LOVE. Just because a girl’s lost her sight, doesn’t mean she can’t catch her man.” —  Jannette Spann, author Hidden Hills & Right Time for Love

“Blind Love is a refreshing take on a love story between Lauren and her new neighbor, Gabe.

Lauren is blind, but that doesn’t stop her from being independent. She’s been divorced for a couple years and isn’t interested in starting a relationship. Not even when Gabe moves next door (and don’t worry, we get a lovely description of him from her hysterical friend, Sunny). Gabe has his own drama and isn’t looking to date either, but that changes pretty quickly!

Unfortunately, Gabe’s drama explodes, and now Lauren is involved. And it doesn’t matter how independent she is, because some horrible people will utilize a woman’s disability to their full advantage.

Kishan Paul takes your typical romance novel and twists it into a unique story, including telling it through the point of view of not only Lauren and Gabe, but through Lauren’s ex-husband, Ben, as well. Lauren, Gabe, and Ben are all complex and likable characters that I truly cared about as I read. Blind Love has action, suspense, heartbreak, and love. If you’re a fan of romance and tired of the same old plot, you won’t regret reading this book.” — Kelly Lincoln

The story made me laugh, made me feel what the characters went through and made me cry. An emotional roller coaster you’d gladly hop on time and time again because the ride is just that good. — Kristen Sanchez

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Trailer for Blind Love

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